
Il Dott. Paolo Boccasanta.

Dott. Paolo Boccasanta


1) F.Annoni, F.Marincola, P.Boccasanta, E.Mozzi. The role of PGF in the adrenergic response of the human saphenous vein. Atti Inter.Vascular Simposium. London 1981;L3-020;400.

2) F.Annoni, D.Monti, P.Boccasanta, E.Mozzi. Can arteriography of the upper limb br replaced by Doppler Velocimetry ? Atti Inter.Vascular Simposium. London 1981;L5-074;349.

3) R.Germiniani, S.B.Doldi, M.Zappa, A.Spinola, E.Lattuada, P.Boccasanta, G.Micheletto.Follow-up in colonic cancer : comparison between two different protocols. Atti Centenary Congr. Polsh Surgical Association. Krakov 1989.

4) A.Tajana, U.Fox, P.Boccasanta, A.Orio.Microsurgery in the treatment of varicocele update. Atti 10° Congr. IMS. Shangai 1989. 5) F.Annoni, P.Boccasanta, A.De Stefano, A.Tajana. Doppler examination in varicocele:a standard method of evaluation. Atti 37° Meeting American College of Angiology. Atlanta 1990.

*6) P.Boccasanta, G.Salamina, G.Mori, A.Segalin, L.Bonavina, M. Montorsi, G.Fichera,C.Siardi, F.De Ruberto.Value of posterior rectal inclination in the treatment and diagnosis of the anorectal disorders. Atti 2° United European Gastroenter. Week Barcellona. 1993,A205.

7) P.Boccasanta, G.Mori, G.Fichera, R.Rosati, U.Fumagalli, M.Strinna, G.Micheletto,C.Siardi, F.De Ruberto, G.Salamina. Suggestion of a new endoscopic procedure in piles and related disease. Atti 2° United European Gastroenter. Week. Barcellona 1993,A356.

*8) P.Boccasanta, R.Rosati, U.Fumagalli, S.Bona, G.Mori, G.Fichera, F.Zennaro, A.Peracchia. Rectopexie laparoscopique pour prolapsus rectal complet avec incontinence anale. Atti 4° Congr. Intern.du Film Medical. Amiens 1994;47.

9) S.Bona, R.Rosati, U.Fumagalli, P.Boccasanta, G.Micheletto, A.Peracchia. Rectopexie laparoscopique pour prolapsus rectal complet avec incontinence anale. Atti 96° Congr. Français de Chirurgie. Paris 1994;27.

10) F. Zennaro, M. Pagani, P. Granelli, G. Fichera, P. Boccasanta. Our experience in day surgery for proctological diseases. Atti 2nd Intern. Congress On Ambulatory Surgery.London 1997; P-90.

11) M. Marinoni, P. Boccasanta, M. Strinna, M. Venturi. Diagnosis and treatment of retroperitoneal fibrosis and tumors. Abstract 7° European Congress of Surgery. Atene 1997.

*12) P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, M. Strinna, A. Floridi, A. Peracchia. Perineal proctosigmoidectomy in rectal prolapse : our experience. Dig surg 1998;15 :423.

*13) P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, M. Strinna, R. Rosati, M. Montorsi, A. Peracchia. Laparotomic vs Laparoscopic Rectopexy in Complete Rectal Prolapse Dig Surg 1998;15:497.

14) M.Venturi, M. Strinna, G. Salamina, G. Fichera, P. Boccasanta. Surgical strategy in complete rectal prolapse Resumen XIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirurgia. Habana 1999 (Cuba); Tomo I:230-231.

15) M.Strinna, M.Venturi, P. Boccasanta, A. Orio, F. Zennaro. Comparison between one day surgery and short hospital stay in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Resumen XIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirurgia. Habana 1999 (Cuba), Tomo I:231-232.

*16) P. Boccasanta, G. Capretti, M. Venturi, G. Salamina. Stapled circumferential mucosectomy versus conventional haemorrhoidectomy .Randomised controlled trial.The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland 2001 Annual Meeting .Harrogate 25-27June; N°1125-1130:pag.22.

*17) P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, M. Strinna,G. Salamina. Stapled vs conventional surgery in mucosal rectal prolapse and rectocele. A case controlled trial. The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 2001 Annual Meeting. Harrogate 25- 27June; N°1740-1750: pag.25.

*18) P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, G. Fichera, M. Strinna, G. Salamina, A. Orio and A. Peracchia. Stapled Altemeier’s procedure in the treatment of complete rectal prolapse. 8th European Congress of Video Surgery - Surgical Technology and Techniques for the 21 st Century - Brugge (Belgium). March 7- 8 2002; 156.

*19) P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, A. Stuto, C. Bottini, A. Caviglia, A. Carriero, D. Mascagni, R. Mauri, M. Rosati, L. Sofo, V. Landolfi. Outlet obstruction: functional and clinical outcome of Stapled Trans-Anal rectal Resection (Longo’s II Procedure). A Prospective Multicenter Trial. 14th Annual International Colorectal Disease Symposium. Fort Lauderdale (USA)Friday, February 14, 2003.

*20) A. Stuto, P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, , C. Bottini, A. Caviglia, A. Carriero, D. Mascagni, R. Mauri, M. Rosati, L. Sofo, V. Landolfi. Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection (S.T.A.R.R) for Obstructed Obstruction. A Prospective Multicentric Trial. Annual Meeting of Colon Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. New Orleans (USA) . June 21-26,2003. Dis Colon Rectum 2003; 46(5):A21

*21) P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, G.C. Roviaro. Stapled anopexy vs double stapled transanal resection in circular external recto-anal prolapse associated with non reducible hemorrhoids and anoderma. Preliminary report. Worlg Congress of Coloproctology and Pelvic Diseases. Rome. June 12-15/ 2005;37-38.

*22) P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, G. Salamina, S.Barbieri, M. Lambertenghi, A. Airoldi, G.C. Roviaro. Do new technologies offer advantages in the cure of full- thickness rectal prolapse by Altemeier procedure ? Clinical anad functional results from a randomized trial. Worlg Congress of Coloproctology and Pelvic Diseases. Rome. June 12-15/ 2005;180.

23) Berto P, Boccasanta P, Bordoni L, Lenisa L, Lopatriello S, Schivazappa C. Circular Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy in The Treatment of Haemorrhoidal Prolapse. Hta Report - Lombardia Region, Italy. Poster ISPOR European Congress, Paris 2009.

24) Berto P, Lopatriello S, Schivazappa C, Benvenuti F, Boccasanta P, Bordoni L, Lenisa L, Naldini G, Nepi S, Todaro A, Valeri A. Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy in The Treatment of Haemorrhoidal Prolapse. Comparison of Hta Reports, FOR TWO Italian Regions, Italy. Poster ISPOR European Congress, Paris 2009.